The Ugly Truth
The Ugly Truth

Radio Show Interviews:

Dan appears on an episode of Revolution Radio on 2/20/23 to discuss the case with Crypt Rick on the show "I've Been Thinking."  Download available below (34 MB in MP3 format).

Revolution Radio - February 20, 2023 - Live Panel Dicussion Regarding The David Crowley Case
Dan, Sofia, Greg and Catherine all appear on the panel discussion with Crypt Rick for this two-hour show to update the listeners on the David Crowley case in Minnesota.
MP3 audio file [34.3 MB]

Dan appears on an episode of Revolution Radio on 2/28/22 to discuss the case with Crypt Rick on the show "I've Been Thinking."  Download available below (20 MB in MP3 format).

Radio Interview - Crowley Case Updates - Complete Summary from 2022
Cyrpt Rick interviews Dan Hennen on 2/28/22
MP3 audio file [20.6 MB]

"Waking Up To The Truth" episode #16 "Turmoil In The Gray State" with Mike Serour.  2 hr 2 minutes - interview regarding the Crowley case.  LINK - 142 MB file in MP3 format if you'd like to download and listen to later.  (February 10, 2015)

"Voices For 911 Truth" episode with Mike Serour.  1 hr, 57 minutes -  interview regarding the Crowley case.   LINK - 136 MB file in MP3 format if you'd like to download and listen to later.   (May 12, 2015)

"The Ochelli Report" radio show with Chuck Ochelli and co-host Barry Prince.   Interview regarding the Phil Marshall case, the David Crowley case, JFK and Sandy Hook.  LINK (December 5, 2016) - 2 hour broadcast, and Dan appears on the 2nd hour.

"No Lies Radio" - Interview with Kevin Barrett on October 13, 2017 - 2 hour broadcast, and Dan appears on the 2nd hour.  LINK

"Heart Talk" episode #15 - Interview with Walter Bradley - January 27, 2019 - 1 hour 52 minutes - LINK

"Dark Dox Digest" episode 23 - A Gray State Special with Dan Hennen and Greg Fernandez Jr. - May 14, 2019 - 2 hours 1 - LINK


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The Ugly Truth